Iowa Freemasonry is a personal journal of a Freemason in central Iowa. This blog documents my Masonic research interests, experiences, and reflections. Welcome!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Grand Lodge of Iowa Elected Officers 2012-2013

 Elected as the 2012-13 Grand Lodge Officers:
Grand Master Bryce B. Hildreth
Senior Grand Warden William R. Yungclas
Junior Grand Warden Realff H. Ottesen
Grand Treasurer Robert E. Breckenridge II
Grand Secretary William R. Crawford

Monday, September 24, 2012

Grand Lodge of Iowa Masonic Travels Blog

Jeffrey Heimensen, Senior Grand Steward of the Grand Lodge of Iowa A.F. & A. M., has started a blog about his experiences as a Grand Lodge officer. You can find his blog here.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Model Airplane update

Here are 2 pics updating the SIG Senior model RC 
plane I'm building. The tail and wing structure
are not permanently attached- I need to
do some alignment first. Also, a cardboard 
windshield pattern is taped in place to allow
for measurement.

Summer update

It's been a busy Masonic summer, although my blog may not reflect it. My Blue
Lodge, Operative #308, has raised three Master Masons, we've had a one day reunion in our Scottish Rite Valley, and I was fortunate to attend our Grand Commandery for the first time. I'm also proudly displaying my Master Craftsman Two certificate after receiving it at our Valley's worker's dinner.

School has started again and my high school students are busy with assignments so I am busy with checking tests, homework, etc. Our school district is splitting into two high schools next fall and there is a significant increase in administrative meetings to deal with this: no fun for any teacher!

School has a new feel this year, too, since our four year-old started preschool. He attends the local Elementary school every other day for a full day. His teacher is state licensed and has an early childhood Ed degree: it's the real deal!

And the model airplane is is still under construction. I have made major progress adding internal equipment to run the control surfaces (servos, servo rails, cables, etc), and the fuselage and wings have been thoroughly sanded with 60 grit; fine sanding is next up.

Thanks for checking in!