Iowa Freemasonry is a personal journal of a Freemason in central Iowa. This blog documents my Masonic research interests, experiences, and reflections. Welcome!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Iowa Senate Special Election District 35

Governor Chet Culver set January 18, 2011 as the date for the special election to fill former Senator Larry Noble's vacant Iowa Senate seat in District 35. Noble resigned his seat after Governor-elect Terry Branstad nominated him as Commissioner of the Iowa Department of Public Safety.

Candidates for the special election are selected at nominating conventions. The Democratic nominating convention is scheduled for Monday, January 3rd at 6:30 PM at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Ankeny. The Republican nominating convention is Thursday, December 30 at 6:30 PM at Kirkendall Public Library.


Officers of Operative Lodge #308 practiced opening, closing, and floor work last night. I'm the Junior Deacon so my part is quite small, however, it's helpful to see, and hear, it in order. I remember the lines and the floor work better when it's all put together because the context provides meaning. Practicing my few lines by myself at home doesn't aid in seeing how even small parts fit into the whole. Plus it's not as much fun.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

U.S. Marshal Michael Bladel

U.S. Marshal for the Southern District of Iowa Michael Bladel spoke to the Ankeny High School Advanced Placement Government class on Tuesday, Dec. 21. President Obama appointed Bladel and the U.S. Senate confirmed him; he was sworn in this past October.

Marshal Bladel discussed the history and function of the U.S. Marshal’s office, 4th Amendment issues, the confirmation process, and he answered questions from AHS seniors in the class.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Scottish Rite Holiday Party

This Wednesday, December 8th is the annual Scottish Rite Holiday Party and Installation of Officers. In addition to a buffet, music by the Double Eagle chorus, and a reading of T'was the Night Before Christmas, new Scottish Rite members from the Glen W. Lamb, 32˚ KCCH and Eugene L. Smith, 32˚ KCCH class will receive their Patents.