I’m a little late with this post, but I wanted to add my thoughts about the Des Moines Scottish Rite’s one day summer reunion last week. The reunion was held in honor of Ivan L. Johnson 32° KCCH and Richard J. Noyce, 32° KCCH and conferred eight degrees: 4th, 6th, 13th, 14th, 18th, 23rd, 30th, and 32nd. Asa Moeckly, a brother from my Lodge, was one of the candidates and I was pleased that he served as the exemplar for the degree I help perform: Chief of the Tabernacle (23rd degree). This is only the second time the Des Moines Valley has performed the degree, ever, and from what I understand, we are the only Valley in the State that has attempted it.
As a new Scottish Rite Mason, it’s exciting for me to be a part of a degree team and I’m looking forward to our Fall Reunion; we’ll perform the 23rd and also the 24th degree- Prince of the Tabernacle.
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