Operative Lodge #308 in Polk City, Iowa installed its 2011 officers yesterday. Congratualtions go to Worshipful Master Steve Layton and special thanks to Past Master Timothy Davis. Lodge members, Freemasons from surrounding Lodges, representatives from the Order of the Eastern Star, the Scottish Rite, the York Rite, and the Grand Lodge of Iowa, as well as family members, attended the public ceremony. Installing officers included Dean Johnson PGM, Rodney Halverson PM, James L. Trotter PM, and Michael B. Aves Sr. PM.
The 2011 Officers of Operative Lodge #308:
Worshipful Master Steve Layton
Senior Warden Timothy Davis PM
Junior Warden Chris Millhollin
Treasurer Michael B. Aves Sr. PM
Secretary James L. Trotter PM
Chaplain Rodney Halverson PM
Senior Deacon Keith Gordon
Junior Deacon Mike A. Miller
Senior Steward Lon A. Laffey
Junior Steward David A. Seery
Tyler Terry L. Burk
Marshall Gordon Schofer PM
Past Master Lane Shaver provided the music along with Brother Steve Moeckley and his bagpipes.
And Congratulations to the new Junior Deacon. Guard well the inner door.